Disclaimer Number 1: If you haven’t noticed, the crypto markets have been choppy lately. Pricing listed here will be in USD, but payment will be made in XRP via the XUMM wallet.
Disclaimer Number 2!!!! ZerpCraft NFTs are launching on XLS-19 and then migrating to XLS-20d. If you buy an XLS-19 NFT, you probably shouldn’t be doing so for short term speculation. This launch is meant for early adopters who are willing to wait a period of time before the NFTs are easily sellable. At launch, this means:
- You will not be able to transfer the NFTs easily between wallets.
- You will not be able to sell XLS-19 NFTs on the DEX.
- You will not be able to post ZerpCraft NFTs to an external marketplace.
All of the above will be enabled with the migration to XLS-20d, which is forecast to go live sometime in the middle of 2022. Are you discouraged from buying a ZerpCraft NFT at launch? Good. You should only be buying these NFTs at launch for a few reasons.
- You’re excited to play around with NFT ownership of digital real estate.
- You’re excited about the long term growth of the ZerpCraft community and want to get in early.
- You understand the future value of ZerpCraft NFTs cannot be guaranteed.
- You are ok with the launch limitations listed in the bullet points above.
Ok, with all the negativity out of the way, I’m still super excited about this launch! XLS-19 gives everything needed for the bedrock (pun intended) of NFT based digital ownership. Players will be able to register their wallet, stamp a ZerpCraft NFT to it, and enjoy exclusive property rights to their land right from the start! A clear migration path will be given to players onto XLS-20d when it launches.
- Login access beginning February 15th – Players will be allowed to login and register their XUMM wallet ahead of time.
- Exploration access starting March 1st – Players will be allowed to scout around the ZerpCraft server to scope out land they might want to purchase and check out the cool builds the Elite Realism team has been working on.
- Launch March 19th – The opening event! ZerpCraft NFTs will be available for purchase according to the phases detailed below.
Pricing: To roll out the launch of ZerpCraft in a smooth and orderly fashion, launch sales will be performed in three phases. Auction, Founders, and Open Sale
Phase 1 – Auction: March 19th
ZerpCraft has teamed up with the professional building group Elite Realism to make the first ZerpCraft NFT a very special minting. They have created “Castle ZerpCraft”, a custom castle, that will available for Auction the day of launch (March 19th). The auction will last through Sunday the 20th. Minimum bid will start at $250. The auction code is setup to confirm that players actually possess the required amount of XRP in their XUMM wallets in order to place bids. Simply log into the ZerpCraft server, register your wallet, and make sure your wallet has enough XRP to cover your current bid! Most likely there will be a Twitch stream along with the auction, but you’ll need to be logged into the ZerpCraft server to bid.
Phase 2 – Founders Sale: Starting March 19th during auction
At the start of the auction, the minting of the Founders NFTs will go live. THESE ARE A SPECIAL RUN OF PREMIUM NFTS AND WILL BE MORE EXPENSIVE!!! If you’re interested in the price of normal land, skip to Phase 3. Founders NFTs will sell for $150. In addition to being a special limited run of 100, there are some great perks:
- Each Founders NFT will be assigned to a special one chunk block in the Founders Courtyard. Each chunk has a special monument created by the Elite Realism team. The monuments commemorate the founding player and will act as a central focal point for the server.
- Founders NFT owners will receive all future Premium Perks that are developed over time.
- Beta access to future code improvements. New features to the ZerpCraft Plugin will be available to Founders NFT holders first. Additionally, the conversion path to XLS-20 will be made available first to Founders NFT holders.
- Future minting fees are waived. Minting fees will be very small for all customers. However If you are a buyer who is interested in buying larger sections of land that may be divided and resold into smaller plots in the future, a Founders NFT may be of interest. Dividing up sections of land into smaller plots will be free for Founders NFT holders because the minting fee will be waived.
Phase 3 – Open Land Sale: Starting Saturday March 19th – Closing After XLS-20d Migration
This is the main event! The ZerpCraft server will make land available to the general public for a time limited period following the Auction. Land will be sold in 1 chunk increments. A ‘chunk’ is Minecraft jargon for a 16×16 block. However, ZerpCraft NFTs will give you ownership rights of all the earth below and all the sky above.
The main issuance of ZerpCraft NFTs are designed to be cheap. One chunk of land will cost 1 XRP. This should enable players to purchase a wide range of land sizes. If you just want to play around with a cutting-edge implementation of digital property rights, buy one chunk. If you’re a builder looking to make large builds, a sizable area of ZerpCraft real estate should not be out of reach.
ZerpCraft Server’s land will be available for purchase for a flat cheap rate during the Open Land Sale. The sale is scheduled to run from Launch day (March 19th) up until three weeks after the server migrates over to XLS-20d. Since we don’t know when XLS-20d will be released, there isn’t a specific date. This time limited sale period is established to limit the total size of the ZerpCraft Server. After the Open Land Sale concludes, the only way to buy land on the server will be from other players on the open market or at auction. A full breakdown of land distribution will be included in a v2 of the whitepaper much closer to the time that ZerpCraft is ready to migrate to XLS-20d.